Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stone Heart

As I walk among the Fallen Leaves,
Depths of Towering Trees,
Blooming Flowers caress my feet,
As I ponder deeper through the brush.

A small bluebird flutters by,
I pull a branch from the interference of my eye,
Enclosed in a wall of Weaving Vines,
Stands an Abandoned Shadow.

Pulling back the thorn-thick entrance sealed,
A Stone Door is revealed.
Pushing against it's solid stubbornness,
I am unable to go inside.

So, I search.
Search for a way to its opening,
Under a Secret Compartment, the key,
Hidden from the blind eye below.

A small drop of blood seeps,
Pouring from my outstretched reach,
Punctured by the thorn inside.

Pinching the key in my hand,
I open the thick, Stone Door and stand.

Inside, I find nothing.
Nothing by barren twigs and Loneliness
A place of Forgotten Memories and all that's miss-ing.

Quietly I wander
Amongst the amiss debris asunder,
Wondering where each part belonged-
Realizing that they are Broken Pieces,

Broken pieces of your heart.

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